If you are thinking of becoming a Foster Carer and want to find out more, Torbay Councils Fostering team is holding a series of Fostering drop-in information sessions during January.
Events are taking place on the following dates at the times and venues listed below:
- Saturday 11 January 2025, 11am to 1pm: Newton Abbot Library, Market Street, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2RJ
- Saturday 18 January 2025, 11am to 1pm: Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton, TQ4 5AG
- Saturday 25 January 2025, 11am to 1pm: Torquay Library, Lymington Road, Torquay, TQ1 3DT
Councillor Nick Bye, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services for Torbay, said: “Our drop-in Fostering information sessions are open to all.
“We are always looking for new Foster Carers, so if you are interested please do get in touch – our team would love to hear from you. Change a child’s future – Foster with Torbay.”
As well as the regular library drop-in sessions, the Council’s Fostering team also attend a range of events during the year such as Armed Forces Day, Torbay Pride and Devon County Show.
If you Foster with Torbay you will get access to:
- Extensive support and training
- a dedicated social worker
- Mentoring from an experienced Foster Carer
- access to a support network including local quarterly Foster Carers Forum
- events throughout the year for Fostering families including annual summer barbecue, Train of Lights event and Christmas parties
If you are thinking of becoming a Foster Carer you can pop into one of the drop in sessions and speak to a member of the Fostering team, call 01803 207845, email fostering@torbay.gov.uk or visit our Fostering webpages