A Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) from Teignmouth was nominated at a national awards ceremony for her exceptional contribution in helping to keep local people safe.
At the first ever national awards for police staff, held earlier in March [2025], PCSO Liz Francis was nominated for the Police Staff Lifetime Achievement award. Out of 150 people nominated, Liz was successful in being shortlisted.
Liz has been a PCSO in Teignmouth since 2008. “Liz’s commitment to keeping people safe shines through in everything she does, both on and off duty,” said Chief Inspector Miranda Pusey, “she is driven by the desire to make life better for communities across Teignmouth.
“Liz has built strong relationships and nurtured trust with people, especially with those who wouldn’t usually feel comfortable speaking to the police. Her determination and kind approach has meant she’s been able to break down that barrier, allowing people to feel able to open up and speak to the police when they need help.
“She is the epitome of what is expected from a PCSO and more. She is well liked and respected by her team, partners and the local community. For years Liz has provided the town with a reassuring presence and has made the community of Teignmouth feel safe – both of which are the cornerstone of policing.”
PCSO Liz Francis said: “I am hugely grateful to have been nominated for this award.
“For me, this is more than just a job – helping and protecting others is something I have a passion for. I take great pride in being able to serve the community of Teignmouth, making a meaningful difference in people’s lives.”
Police Sergeant Jonathon Ross reflects on the impact that Liz has had across the community: “Whilst her work embeds her in the community, it is her attitude that makes the whole town love her, turning to her for help and support. Liz is heavily involved with the schools; junior and senior – and is frequently asked to speak in school assemblies. No child goes thorough school in Teignmouth without knowing who Liz is and knowing that they can go to her for help, advice and guidance.
“She works closely with some of the most vulnerable people in our community, including the elderly and those who are street attached, going above and beyond to help and support those in need.”
Liz was also given the honour of switching on the Christmas lights in 2019. PS Ross added: “Practically the whole town turned out to see Liz, in full uniform, switch on the Christmas lights! This is usually a tradition for celebrities, and being able to see Liz up there was fantastic."
PCSOs are an important link between the police and communities. They work closely in neighbourhoods to tackle long and short-term crimes and antisocial behaviour affecting the public. PCSOs regularly engage with the public through community events, visits to local groups and schools, and patrols. Their essential work also aims to deter people from committing crime as a result of their visible presence in communities.
Devon & Cornwall Police are currently recruiting PCSOs. Visit the recruitment page on the Devon & Cornwall Police website to find out more – applications close on 25 April 2025: DC PCSO - Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police working in Partnership
If you have been affected by crime, please visit victimcare-dc.org to access support services and information on your rights and how to navigate the criminal justice system. You can also call Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111 or Devon and Cornwall Police’s Victim Care Unit on 01392 475900.
To find out more about the PCSOs and police officers in your local area, visit the ‘what’s happening in your area’ section of the Devon & Cornwall Police website. The team also hold regular public meetings where they discuss local issues and priorities – please consider coming along to one of these to meet the team and find out more about what they are doing in the area.