East Devon District Council is looking to deliver an innovative, carbon neutral social housing solution to maximise the use of land which traditionally would have been difficult to build upon.
On Thursday 23 March, a demonstration house, which will be in place for 6 months, was craned into East Devon District Council’s (EDDC) Blackdown House headquarters in Honiton. This house will be used as a pivotal part of future community consultation and engagement events.
The builder of these modular homes has a track record of consulting communities and adapting developments to reflect their wishes. The house on display has one bedroom, but plans are also in place for two and three bedroom homes.
Councillor Dan Ledger, East Devon District Council portfolio holder for Sustainable Homes and Communities said:
"One of the key aspirations of the current administration at EDDC was to ensure the Council starts to develop its own housing stock again.
"The aim is really simple, to deliver high quality, low carbon homes that are truly affordable for all.
"The new Housing Task Force team have been fantastic and working tirelessly to make this a reality.
"The siting of this unit is the first step in showing residents within East Devon that we are serious with this commitment and to share our vision for what is to be expected from schemes within your communities over the coming months."
These carbon neutral houses feature solar panels, heat pumps and triple glazing, which will reduce running costs for occupants.
EDDC will be making further announcements about this project later this spring.
View a time-lapse video of the modular house being craned in to Blackdown House on YouTube: https://youtube.com/shorts/npPsPh5fWhE?feature=share