Exeter Port Authority is launching a user survey to help support the water sports community move to low carbon fuels.
From the sandy shoreline of Exmouth all the way up to the historic quayside in the heart of the city, the Exeter Port Authority (EPA) manages the waterways of the Exe Estuary and the Exeter ship canal.
As part of Exeter City Council, EPA has ambitious plans to achieve Net Zero by 2030, encompassing operations both within and surrounding the port.
In pursuit of these plans, EPA aims to identify the necessary requirements to support Exeter's vibrant boating and water sports community in transitioning to low-carbon fuels over the next decade.
This transition is expected to coincide with the increasing prevalence of such fuels and the shifting dynamics of supply chains moving away from conventional fossil fuels.
To do that, EPA wants to hear from the boating community and water users. It wants to know how people currently use boats and fuel around the canal and estuary and share with us your appetite for change.
The survey will help gauge fuel demand around the estuary, develop a heat map of current emissions based on user feedback and EPA’s own operational data, and develop a forward plan of actions to assist EPA and the boating community in transitioning to low carbon fuels.
The user survey is now open and runs until 22 April. To take part visit https://tinyurl.com/mpptjrp2