A six-week consultation on East Devon’s new Local Plan is underway before review by a Government inspector. The plan outlines development priorities for the next two decades, shaping the district's growth and development through to 2042.
A six-week consultation on East Devon’s new Local Plan is being held before it is reviewed by a Government inspector and potentially adopted, if approved.
The document being considered, outlines what development should go where for the next two decades, helping to shape the district until 2042.
The consultation, taking place between 13 February and 31 March 2025, is the last chance for residents to share their comments on the plan for the review of the Government inspector.
Thousands of people have already commented on proposals outlined in the new Local Plan including on how many new homes need to be built and where.
The plan sets out various other aims, including:
- How the district could address the climate change emergency;
- How and where new jobs should be created how we should support our town centres;
- How East Devon protects its built heritage and natural environment and
- How EDDC intends to deliver housing to meet the needs of local residents and ensure new homes are net zero carbon ensuring they are more efficient and cheaper to run.
The new Local Plan will be a key document when making planning decisions in East Devon.
Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district as part the consultation.
The consultation can be viewed online at eastdevon.gov.uk/local-plan.
Councillor Todd Olive, EDDC’s Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning, said:
"Following extensive public feedback through previous consultations, which East Devon's officers and elected councillors have diligently reviewed and acted upon wherever possible and appropriate, we are now asking for your thoughts on this final draft of the new East Devon Local Plan before we consider submitting it to government planning inspectors to review.
"We have worked hard to maintain a balance between fulfilling our duty to provide land for new housing, set out in law by government, and protecting our towns and villages, countryside, and coast from inappropriate development. Our plan includes policies providing protection for land between towns and villages, helping maintain the identity of our rural communities, and sets stringent requirements regarding carbon emissions and biodiversity net gain in all new developments, going meaningfully beyond national standards.
"We have sought, too, to make sure East Devon continues to be a place for businesses of all shapes and sizes to grow, with policy to ensure our high streets remain vibrant and central to community life, while encouraging high-tech, green industry to thrive in the West End around Exeter Airport and Science Park.
"This consultation is your opportunity to object to this final draft of the new East Devon Local Plan, in whole or in part, should you feel that we haven't met these goals. If submission to government inspectors is approved by the Council later this year, any comments you make today will be shared directly with government planning inspectors to take into account."
A further consultation focused on the proposed new town to the east of Westpoint is planned for the Spring following which the plan will be submitted for examination by a government appointed inspector.