Following approval by the City Council’s Executive at a meeting on 3 December, the final draft version of the Exeter Plan has now been published. Formal representations can be submitted during an eight-week period from 12 December to 6 February 2025.
An important milestone has been reached in the preparation of the Exeter Plan 2021-2041 - the city’s new local plan.
Following approval by the City Council’s Executive at a meeting on 3 December, the final draft version of the Exeter Plan has now been published.
Formal representations can be submitted during an eight-week period from 12 December to 6 February 2025.
The Exeter Plan will shape the future of Exeter, identifying sites for new homes and jobs, and setting out policies to deliver high quality, sustainable development.
The draft Exeter Plan brings together more than four years of hard work and has been shaped by over 2,800 representations from residents, organisations and other councils during three rounds of public consultation.
The draft Exeter Plan has also been informed by numerous specialist studies making-up the evidence base which is also available to view together with the draft Plan.
Planning legislation requires that representations focus on whether the draft Plan is consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and meets all the necessary legal requirements and specific tests of soundness.
All representations received will be considered by the Planning Inspector when the Exeter Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for examination.
Councillor Naima Allcock, Lead Councillor for City Development, said: “The Exeter Plan is a key document for the future of our ambitious city. By focusing the majority of new development on strategic brownfield sites, the Plan will help provide the homes, jobs and infrastructure our communities need with sustainability at the forefront, creating high quality places while preserving our valued greenspaces and our heritage.
“We are thankful for the fantastic level of engagement and responses to Exeter Plan consultations over the past few years which have shaped this final draft version of the plan. Working together brings great opportunities and the Exeter Plan is a key part of the jigsaw.”
To read the draft Exeter Plan and submit representations visit and copied are available at the Civic Centre, Exeter Library, Pinhoe Library, St Thomas Library and Topsham Library during opening hours.