For young people, knowing that members of their community are there for them, understand their issues, and want to help them excel, helps springboard them into the next chapter of their lives.
At Space Youth Services there are 3 main types of volunteering opportunities.
- Open Access (youth centre sessions)
- 1-1 Mentoring
- Events / Fundraising
We take pride in providing a diverse and rewarding volunteering opportunities that empower you to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. If you are ready to be part of something bigger, discover the possibilities of volunteering with us.
We don’t just need volunteers in our youth work sessions but value new insight, knowledge and skills across the service to support with other areas such as fundraising, design, music and more! If you feel that you have something to offer don’t hesitate to get in touch!
More details can be found by, visiting or emailing