People in Devon and Cornwall are being urged to check the best source of help or support before contacting the police this Christmas.
Devon & Cornwall Police is asking people to remember the slogan “When something’s wrong - Report it right” in order to ensure callers get the best help from the most appropriate service. Our phone lines get very busy over the festive season and our call handlers are ready 24/7 to help those in need, often taking difficult and complex calls.
To ensure we can provide a timely response, we ask that you take a moment before you dial. If the incident requires an immediate police response, or someone’s life is at risk, then always call 999.
If you want to report a matter that is not an emergency, please use one of the following methods. Go to Home | Police.uk (www.police.uk) or call 101. This makes sure the lines are clear for those who really need them. We receive thousands of calls every year asking for help which the police are unable to give, such as noisy neighbours and lost dogs.
Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Leaper said: “We know that when you get in touch with us it’s because you really need help. But it is important to remember that not all situations are handled by the police.
“We are asking for the public only to dial 999 in an emergency and for other matters please report online or to an agency which is more suited to the problem.
“We want you to get the help you need as soon as possible and we want to save you time by making sure you speak to the right agency.”
For more details on who to contact when you need help, go to Others who can help | Devon & Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk)