Police and volunteers to focus on speed during Road Safety Week

Speeding motorists will be the focus of police and volunteers across Devon & Cornwall next week as part of national Road Safety Week.

Roads Policing teams, Speed Detection Officers and Special Constables will be out in force across the two counties from November 19–25 in an effort to slow drivers down.

They will also be joined by hundreds of volunteers from Community Speedwatch teams in neighbourhoods all over the South West.

Speed is the theme of this year’s Road Safety Week, which is organised by national charity Brake.

Across the UK, police figures show that travelling too fast or exceeding the speed limit was a contributory factor in 25% of deaths, where an officer attended the scene of a collision.

Adrian Leisk, Head of Road Safety for Devon & Cornwall Police, is also chair of the Vision Zero South West enforcement group.

Mr Leisk said: “I’m really pleased Brake have chosen speed as the theme for national Road Safety Week as it’s something which continues to cause significant issues on Devon and Cornwall’s roads.

“We know speed is a contributory factor in many serious and fatal collisions – it gives you less time to react and significantly increases your chances of being killed or seriously injured in the event of a crash.

“To support Road Safety Week, we will be mobilising officers and volunteers to monitor lots of different roads across the two counties – including some places where you may not have seen us before – so please don’t get caught out.

“Speed enforcement is not there to make money – it is there to protect road users and keep people safe by ensuring motorists adhere to speed limits.”

Ross Moorlock, Interim CEO at Brake, said: “Every time we drive faster than the speed limit, or too fast for the road conditions, we increase the risk of a crash – and we increase the chance that someone will be killed or hurt on the road. The faster you go, the longer the stopping distance and the harder you will hit something.

“Whoever you are, and however you travel – this year we are challenging everyone to start talking about speed with your friends, families and colleagues.”

For more information about Brake Road Safety Week, visit: Road Safety Week | Brake

To find answers to several road safety Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – including questions around speed enforcement – visit: FAQs – vision-zero (visionzerosouthwest.co.uk)

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