The Government has released its ‘Simpler Recycling’ Reforms to improve recycling rates by making things simpler, easier, and more consistent across the UK.
The Government has released its ‘Simpler Recycling’ Reforms to improve recycling rates by making things simpler, easier, and more consistent across the UK. These rules will affect both businesses and households.
Businesses will be responsible for separating food waste as well as all dry recycling (paper, card, plastic packaging, glass and metal) from any general waste. Key dates to remember:
By 31 March 2025, all businesses with more than 10 full-time equivalent employees must recycle paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, glass, metal tins, cans, aerosols, food trays and foil.
Businesses must also recycle any food waste separately. By 31 March 2027, businesses with less than 10 full-time equivalent employees will be required to recycle the materials listed above.
By 31 March 2027, all businesses will be required to include clean, dry plastic film in their plastic recycling collection.
We would encourage you to think about reducing your general waste collections to offset the costs of recycling and food waste collections - be sure to speak to your waste collection company.
WRAPs The Business of Recycling webpages has lots of sector specific help and guidance Business of Recycling | WRAP