A decision by the previous Government, to establish the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA), was deferred in June pending the General Election in July.
Establishing the CCA is legally required to assume responsibility for new funds and powers transferred by Government from Whitehall to Devon and Torbay.
Devon and Torbay’s final proposal for the CCA followed a widespread consultation that drew responses from a cross-section of organisations including Devon’s District councils, Town and Parish councils, and representatives from the business, education and skills, housing, transportation, health service providers and voluntary sectors.
Last month, the two Leaders of Devon County Council and Torbay Council initially wrote to the new Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State (SoS) for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, asking the Government for a meeting to discuss the proposal.
And now, the Government has confirmed that the Devon and Torbay proposal, first submitted to Government in May 2024, is officially back on track.
It's hoped that with draft regulations to create the CCA to be made this Autumn, the Devon and Torbay CCA could hold its first meeting early in the New Year.
The CCA will deliver the devolution deal - a whole raft of powers, responsibilities, and funding, devolved to Devon and Torbay from Whitehall – and will enable important decisions to be made locally on local priorities such as jobs and skills, housing, and the environment.
With potential for the range of devolved powers to expand, the current proposals would see the new body having direct control of adult education to create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030.
Through Local Skills Improvement Plans, the proposed CCA will work with business and education leaders to create a stronger, joined-up relationship between employers and schools, colleges and universities to provide the skilled workforce the local economy needs for the future.
The Government has re-confirmed the transfer of £16 million capital funding to invest in new green jobs, homes, skills, and business growth and accelerate Devon and Torbay’s transition to a net-zero economy, capitalising on the area’s world-leading expertise in green science and technology.
The Government is offering a stronger partnership with Homes England, capitalising on the Affordable Housing Programme and Brownfield Infrastructure and Land Fund to create a joint action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people and reduce homelessness. The proposal includes additional land assembly and compulsory purchase powers and would facilitate greater Community Land Trust-led delivery.
On transport, the proposed Deal builds on Devon County Council and Torbay Councils’ long history of working together on local transport planning. The proposed Deal will strengthen this joined-up approach with Devon and Torbay working as equal partners on a CCA and improving the efficiency and co-ordination of public transport. There is an ambition to introduce a single ticketing system for travellers and investment in services to provide greater access to public transport.
The CCA would be responsible for working with Devon County Council, Torbay Council, District Councils and the business and education sectors to support high growth sectors such as advanced manufacturing, marine engineering, defence, photonics and digital. One of the first tasks of the CCA would be to agree a Local Growth Plan working with the private sector which set out clear priorities and an investment plan.
There will also be close collaboration and productive joint working between the CCA and Police and Crime Commissioner.
Councillor James McInnes, Leader of Devon County Council, said:
"After a short pause for the General Election, I'm delighted that the new Government has now considered our joint proposal for the CCA and has confirmed its intention to progress with it.
"Devolving powers and funding will enable the partnership to make a real difference to people's lives in ways that matter.
“We look forward to working with our District Council colleagues as part of a Team Devon Joint Committee, alongside representatives from our Town and Parish councils and two national parks. The Joint Committee will formalise the partnership that we already have with Team Devon colleagues, to support joint working in a number of areas, including economic development, housing and the environment.
“This is the starting point, and a new relationship with central Government. Our ambition is to deepen the deal as we go forward.
“The door, of course, is still very much open for Plymouth City Council to be in the partnership, and we will continue to work closely with them as we move forward.
Councillor David Thomas, Leader of Torbay Council, said:
“It’s fantastic news that we can now move forward with the creation of the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority.
“This Devolution Deal will give us and our residents and businesses a stronger voice with Government. It really does give us the opportunity to influence those policies that affect the lives of those that live in Torbay and Devon. Working together, as councils and with the Government and our stakeholders, is key to us meeting our ambitions.”