If your community group has a project that could improve well-being, reduce hardship or provide a warm safe space to work, learn or socialise within you area you can apply for a grant.
This is the third year Devon County Council have made funding available to support local schemes through the Growing Communities Fund.
Since July 2022 funding has been awarded to hundreds of local projects to help them respond to a specific local need.
This year’s funding allocation will mean that since the fund was launched, The Council have made more than £1.1m available to help communities build self-reliance and resilience.
Groups with schemes that bring communities together, alleviate food poverty or tackle loneliness, isolation and build self-esteem for example are invited to apply.
This could include offering advice, peer support or guidance on budgeting, cooking low-cost nutritional meals or supporting the recruitment, training and retention of Volunteers.
Organisers of projects that have a clear and direct community benefit, such as improving the environment, or that use innovation to improve efficiency or proposals that seek to expand the reach of an existing scheme are also encouraged to apply.
For more information visit the webpage on DCC’s website or email: communitygrants@devon.gov.uk .