This week marks the start of Foster Care Fortnight. It’s two weeks of the year where awareness is raised about fostering and share some of the ways that it can positive impact on the lives of so many people.
Across the country, thousands of foster carers are needed to care for children, with the greatest need being for foster carers for older children, sibling groups, disabled children and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.
This week marks the start of Foster Care Fortnight. It’s two weeks of the year where we raise awareness of fostering and share some of the ways that it can positive impact on the lives of so many people.
In Devon, we need more foster carers of all backgrounds and life experiences. We want to make sure that children in Devon get the support they need, when they need it. Our priority is to provide homes for children in which they will receive a high quality standard of care whilst also providing wraparound support for carers and the children.
We have a highly skill team who are trained to provide care, support and training for foster carers.
This year, we’re asking foster carers to share their stories by using the hashtags #FosteringCommunities and #FCF23 on social media, and to tag us – @fosteringdevon on Instagram and Facebook.
Emma Nobes, Service Manager for Fostering, says:
”I would like to thank all our foster carers, kinship carers and staying put carers for the love, care, and warmth you give to the children and young people you look after.
“You, your family, friends, and local communities make a big difference every day. This thanks extends to our team around the child, without your support and hard work, none of this would be possible.”