There are several developments in DCC's Children and Young People’s Futures Directorate that they would like to share with residents as they continue to move forward with their journey of improvement.
There are several developments in DCC's Children and Young People’s Futures Directorate that they would like to share with residents as they continue to move forward with their journey of improvement. Firstly, we are delighted that Kellie Knott, who has been leading SEND transformation for us on secondment from the Department for Education since July 2023, has now been permanently appointed to SEND Strategic Director.
Jack Newton has also joined us in an interim capacity to lead the development of our Inclusion and Learning Service. A senior leader with a background in the education and public service sector, Jack is an experienced executive head teacher and facilitated intensive school improvements as a Principle Challenge Advisor as well as being was part of a Local Authority Improvement Board focused on improving the partnership between schools, early help and social care.
Having led our improvement journey as Director of Children and Young People’s Futures for the last year, Stuart Collins has left us to join Croydon Council as their Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education. Julian Wooster, who was our Interim Director of Children’s Services from January 2023 to September 2023, has returned to us to provide consistency and pace for our teams. He has a wealth of experience as a highly respected Director, particularly for his technical abilities as a senior leader in Children’s Services, and already knows both Devon County Council and our Children and Young People’s Futures Directorate well.