One hundred per cent of families of children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) have been allocated places in their first-choice mainstream school from September.
Families sometimes request that the Council consider specialist education alongside mainstream provision, and where specialist provision was requested by families, 87 per cent have been allocated places suitable to their child’s special educational and disability needs. Thirteen per cent were allocated places in their mainstream school of choice or their nearest suitable school that can meet their child’s needs.
The latest figures follow the Councils announcement earlier this month describing an overall increase in the number of families being allocated their first choices of Devon secondary school places for September.
Seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-eight allocations were made in total for places at Devon mainstream secondary schools this September.
In allocating places for pupils with EHCPs, we first consult with the requested school or other setting to ask if they are suitable in being able to meet the child’s needs, and whether they have space. We consider the schools’ or settings’ response against a legal criteria as well as the parents’ preferences before making a decision to determine a setting by name (of school, for example) and/or what type of setting or provision to name on their EHCP.