One of my primary aims is to support victims and ensure offenders are brought to justice, says Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez
Sexual violence and abuse are crimes which need more attention and to be raised in the public consciousness. ‘Sexual violence’ is a term we use to describe any sexual activity that happened without consent. This week is Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week (February 3-8), and a crucial time to shine a spotlight on this pervasive issue.
Sexual violence can happen to anyone of any age or gender. It is a deeply personal crime that leaves life changing emotional and physical damage on those who have had to endure it. In Devon and Cornwall, we have seen a concerning rise in recorded sexual offences over the years.
Since 2010, the number of these crimes has more than trebled. While some of this increase can be attributed to greater reporting and awareness, it also reinforces the urgent need to tackle the root causes of violence, particularly against women and children in our society. Survivors of sexual violence often face significant barriers when seeking support and justice. Stigma, shame, and fear can prevent individuals from coming forward. As a society, we must do better to challenge these narratives and create an environment where survivors feel safe and empowered to share their experiences.
As Police and Crime Commissioner one of my primary aims is to ensure that all victims are supported and that the police ensure offenders are brought to justice. The bravery of survivors who come forward to report these crimes is commendable, and they deserve to know that their voices will be heard, and their cases will be treated with the utmost seriousness and care by the police and a wide variety of agencies who work with me to support victims.
Last week the incredible staff at Exeter’s newly opened Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) were praised by Queen Camilla as she visited the facility. This centre is just one of a number around Devon and Cornwall funded by my office and NHS England. They are an invaluable first step in helping victims of sexual violence get the help they need and in securing vital evidence to bring offenders to justice.
We must not stand by and allow a culture where violence and abuse can thrive, and we owe it to our society to unite against the perpetrators of violence.
Devon & Cornwall Police deserve real credit for recently seizing a significant amount of money from self-proclaimed misogynist Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, individuals who have built their influence by spreading sometimes toxic views that degrade and harm women. I am delighted to have reached an agreement with Chief Constable James Vaughan to redirect this money specifically towards supporting victims of violence against women and girls.
This action sends a powerful message to all those who seek to perpetuate harm to hold influence in our community. It will not be tolerated.
The force has also brought to justice a number of people recently thanks to robust investigative work, including dangerous sexual offender Christopher De Burton, 67, of Thurlow Road, Torquay, who was sent to prison for 19 years for offences including rape and sexual assault of a young girl. A detective in the case praised the victim for their immense strength and courage in helping to bring De Burton to justice.
Wade Robinson, 31 and of no fixed abode, has been sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for offences including sexual assault of a child. Detectives built such a strong case against Robinson that he had little option other than to plead guilty, sparing the victim the ordeal of having to go through the court process.
You may have seen in the publicity around the police budget for next year that I intend to invest a further £3.5m supporting victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse and reducing reoffending. This includes continuing to support SARCs which do amazing work with victims of sexual violence in partnership with the NHS.
This is in addition to delivering a new £5m five-year partnership contract to provide support for victims of rape and sexual assault in Devon and Cornwall. The Bridge Partnership, led by Women’s Centre Cornwall, provides Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) working across a range of specialisms to ensure that survivors of sexual violence of all ages and genders receive high-quality support.
You can find out more about where I will be spending money to prevent crime, help victims recover and support policing of our communities in my 2025-26 Commissioning Intentions Plan.
My new Police and Crime Plan, which sets the direction for policing in Devon and Cornwall over the next four years, retains serious violence, including domestic and sexual abuse, as a key focus area. We are committed to exploring innovative, disruptive and radical solutions to address these challenges and ensure that survivors have access to the resources they need to heal and rebuild their lives.
This awareness week is an important reminder that sexual violence affects people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds. By listening to survivors, amplifying their voices, and holding offenders accountable, we can make meaningful progress in preventing these crimes and supporting those affected.
I want to thank the police officers, probation officers, support workers, and community partners who work tirelessly to address sexual violence and support survivors.
To the residents of Devon, Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly, I urge you to educate yourself, challenge harmful attitudes, and encourage those who may be victims to come forward and seek the help and support they need. Together, we can build a community where everyone feels safe, valued, and protected - especially women and children. It’s time for radical change.